Asoga Sweet

Asoga Sweet


  • Moong dhal - 1 1/2 cups

  • Wheat Flour - 2 tbsp

  • Sugar - 3 cups

  • Water - 3 cups

  • Cardamom - 2 nos

  • Cashews - 50 grams

  • Dried grapes - 50 grams

  • Ghee - 6 to 7 tsp

  • Food colour - 1 tsp (Optional)

  • Salt - a pinch


  1. Take moong dhal in cooker, fry it for 2 mins. Add water in the fried moong dhal.

  2. After 3 whistles grind the moong dhal into a paste.

  3. Take 2 tbsp of ghee in a pan. Fry cashews and dried grapes for 2 mins. Transfer it to plate.

  4. Take wheat flour and fry it in the left ghee in the pan for 2 mins.

  5. Add the ground moong dhal paste it in the pan. Add a pinch of salt and cardamom. Let it cook for 5 mins.

  6. Add the sugar and cook for 5 mins. Add 2 tbsp of ghee and mix.

  7. Mix the food color in 1 tbsp of water. Add it to the pan. Cook for 5 mins.

  8. Add the fried cashews and grapes and cook until you get the non sticky foldable consistency.

  9. Asoga sweet is ready to serve.

Happy Eating!!!

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